Digital Platform Launches in Peel to Combat Systemic Discrimination and Foster Community Dialogue

ABR-SD Collective of Peel launches a digital platform aiming to unite Peel residents
November 4, 2024, Brampton – The Anti-Black Racism and Systemic Discrimination (ABR-SD) Collective announces the launch of a new digital platform that aims to bring together residents across Peel in an ongoing commitment to dismantling systemic discrimination and building a safer and more just community. This initiative invites anyone who lives, works or accesses services in the Region of Peel to participate in interactive discussions, provide positive and meaningful feedback and advocate for change, while building a culture of equity and social justice.
This digital space is open to anyone who shares the commitment to advancing equity, and creating a region where every individual can thrive free from discrimination and bias. To access and participate in the forum, you can register here.
The ABR-SD Collective, which comprises over 25 community agencies and community leaders, was founded during the COVID-19 pandemic, when racial and social disparities became glaringly apparent. Since its inception, the Collective has written papers, conducted research and hosted forums bringing attention to systemic inequities in healthcare, policing and the educational system that are harming community members.
The launch of this digital platform is a recommendation from research on Rethinking Community Safety in Peel conducted in 2023.The platform will provide a space for community-driven content, engage users in open discussions on issues that impact their livelihood and encourage positive comments that can be curated and shared with system leaders.
The platform is supported by the Region of Peel’s Community Safety and Well-Being Table and hosted by Roots Community Services, a multi-services charitable organization based in the region.
For more information:
Contact Chelsea Antwi at 905-455-6789, ext. 112
Visit or email
About Roots Community Services
Roots Community Services (RootsCS) is recognized as a leader of Black, African and Caribbean (BAC) communities, providing culturally-sensitive and affirming programs and services that address the needs of the communities it serves. It is well known for its advocacy against the inequities and disparities that hinder BAC community members from receiving equitable service, especially in healthcare, education and justice systems.
About Peel’s Community Safety and Well-Being Table
Peel’s Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Table unites over 25 organizations from emergency services, education, healthcare, social services, and government to foster a safer, more inclusive community where all residents thrive. By promoting cross-sector partnerships, the CSWB Table ensures access to essential services that enhance safety and well-being. With a vision of equity and inclusivity, the Table focuses on three key areas for impactful change: family violence, mental health and addictions, and systemic discrimination.
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