Peel Police’s Budget Proposal: A Game-Changer or Just a Bigger Bill?

Peel Regional Police (PRP) has requested a 21.3% increase in its budget for 2025, which, if approved, would bring their operational budget to $749.4 million. This request, amounting to $131.7 million, aims to address rising crime rates, reduce response times, and accommodate the growing population in the region. According to Peel Regional Police, the proposal includes the hiring of 300 new officers, 55 civilian staff, and 10 communicators to manage the increasing demand on the police service. Chief Nishan Duraiappah explained that the rise in violent crime, including a 306% spike in home invasions between September 2023 and September 2024, underscores the need for additional resources to ensure public safety.
The Community’s Reaction
The proposed budget increase has prompted different responses from community leaders and residents. According to CBC News, Mississauga Mayor Carolyn Parrish resigned from the Peel Police Services Board. In a news segment on November 22, 2024, she described the proposed increase as “unsustainable”.
Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown has expressed support for the proposed increase. On November 28, 2024, Brown told CBC News, “We are cleaning up the mess of past administrations. We have been doing this the last several years but it worries me that we are still playing catch up.”
Brampton resident David Bosveld has voiced concerns about the proposed budget increase. The CBC News on November 28, 2024, stated that Bosveld questioned the effectiveness of the proposed increase, noting that despite previous budget hikes, crime rates have continued to rise. He and other concerned residents have indicated that they will push for an audit if the budget increase is approved.
Moving Forward
The conversation surrounding the proposed budget increase highlights the ongoing discussion about how best to allocate resources for public safety in Peel Region. The conversation is not just about funding, but also about ensuring that community safety is addressed in a way that meets the needs of all residents. As the region grows and diversifies, the question remains: How can resources be directed to ensure that everyone feels safe, supported and valued?
Rethinking Community Safety
At the Anti-Black Racism and Systemic Discrimination Collective (ABR-SD Collective), we believe in an integrated and holistic vision of public safety—one that centres on community services and addresses the root causes of crime.
Our report, Rethinking Community Safety, launched on November 22, 2024, reveals that over 80% of police responses to mental health calls in Peel involve no criminal activity. Research suggests that trained mental health professionals, rather than police, are often better equipped to manage such situations. Mental health professionals could provide more effective and compassionate care, alleviating the burden on law enforcement.
Similarly, issues such as homelessness and youth in distress may be better addressed by housing specialists and youth workers who are trained to offer targeted support. Cities like Toronto and Ottawa have implemented 24/7 community services that complement traditional policing approaches, demonstrating the effectiveness of this model. Could Peel consider exploring similar models to expand the range of available responses?
- CBC News. (2024). Peel Police’s Budget Proposal: A Historic Request.
- Post-Meeting Agenda Package - RCB_Nov21_2024 - Police presentation
- Anti-Black Racism and Systemic Discrimination Collective (ABR-SD Collective). (2024). Rethinking Community Safety Report.
Join the Conversation!
What are your thoughts on Peel Police’s proposed budget increase? Do you believe there are other areas where funding could have a greater impact? Share your perspective in the comments below and join the discussion about what a safer and more supportive Peel could look like for everyone.
Bio: Bio:
If police-involved deaths…
If police-involved deaths are rising and police brutality isn’t falling, then how will more policing ensure community safety? The budget should be invested more than just hiring, the existing and new officers need better training.
Address the root issues
Considering there is a general distrust of police within Black and Indigenous communities, I am shocked that Peel Police believes that putting more officers on the streets will help. This approach offers surface-level solutions to deeply rooted issues. This budget would be better spent on diversifying the resources available to Peel residents by investing in mental health supports, youth programs, healthcare access, and housing support.
Prioritize Funding for What Truly Matters
This increase of funding should go towards integrating more mental health professionals, trained youth workers, compassionate first responders and implementing programs that directly support at-risk youth, vulnerable populations and those struggling with mental health and homelessness. Safety isn’t about over-policing, it’s about creating a supportive environment where people get the care and resources they need.
Will more money = less crime?
While it’s crucial for Peel Police to have the resources needed to tackle rising crime like carjackings and home invasions, hiring more officers alone doesn’t feel like a complete solution. Addressing the root causes of crime through community-based programs, mental health resources, and support for at-risk youth could complement policing and have a more lasting impact. A balanced approach that prioritizes prevention alongside enforcement would better serve the community in the long run.